

Kid's learning about bees

Learning all about bees, why they are important and how they fit into nature and how they help humans. The above photo is Ron Breland teaching the kids and at right is his experimental hive. This is at the private Rockland Country Day School in Congers, near Manhattan. Ron teaches apiculture (bee keeping) to children from nursery to secondary school. “It’s extraordinary, just using my type of hive and smoking them with sage, I can open a hive without any danger to the kindergarten pupils. The bees raised like that are so much gentler and we practically never have any stings.”
Do you want more resources for teaching young children about bees? Here they are:
Explaining bees to children
Basic bee information
Teaching the parts of the bee
Watching Bees
Plants to bring bees to the garden
How do bees cling to flowers?
What do honey bees do in Autumn?

PHOTO and info thanks to The Bee Photographer: is is well worth a visit to his amazing site.

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  Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful to be up close to the hive with no protection like that. We have a hive just across the road from us too and used to buy the honey but sadly they don't seam to produce all that they once did. Thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids
